Imagination technically means the process of creating pictures and visualizing things in the imaginary world of thought and mental perception. Of course the visualization and the creation are not physically real, nor it could be, and moreover, at times, it tends to lead one astray from the  course of life for the time being or sometimes even permanently; can lead to abnormality if practiced wildly and without proper handling; can take a person away from the reality and the real world around, but still it has its own charm, pleasure and soothing effects upon the person involved in it, provided the person involved knows how to take on the course of imagination how to create and enjoy this fascinating and charming world of imagination. It may appear funny and childish to look upon the process and the world of imagination in such a fantastic and positive way, and to many, it may appear even as a thought of a lunatic or mentally sick person, and to some extent, they would be right too to think so, but from my point of view imagination can create a wonder to everybody – it can turn a simple but sound and normal person into a great personality; it serve as the most perfect asylum and refuse for the tortured soul, frustrated beings, lonely lovers and all who are not at ease with the normal course of life which is often not matching with their taste and demands. It creates the best and the most shining wonder with a mentality-strong-and-intellectually-sound-but-hungry and can turn the same into a strong power house of valuable and eternal thoughts and lofty ideas in the proper course of time. It can very well sooth the aching and bleeding hearts and can change the hellish course of suffering into a course of blissful internal and mental enjoyment.
This world is full of wonders of imagination. In other words we can say that whatever changes and adventures we notice around are the fruits of imagination only. Great poets and writers and novelists and dramatists became great because they mastered the art of creating and visualizing the world of imagination; great scientists became great because they could explore this fascinating world of imagination and could come up with certain eternal and precious conclusions of their thoughts and imagination. Great philosophers became great because they could brood over their imaginary thoughts and could visualize the state of human beings and society in certain ideal states.
Thus it can confidently and clearly be said that imagination and its fanciful world is of immense importance. If we can analyse the process, implication, and outcome of imagination we can clearly see what an amazing world it is and what amazing wonders it can do. But this of course forbidden apple for those who are still quite near to beastliness (of course the definition of beastliness from my point of view is quite different here from what the common people think) and enjoy living only by whiling away their time simply by eating, sleeping and gossiping. To really enjoy and be handsomely profited by this process and the world of imagination one should have a very strong mind with immense power of thinking and creation. One should have those keen eyes, which are capable of visualizing this imaginary world of imagination. This world is a world where we don’t need our eyes to be physically opened. Rather this is the world, which demands the ability to see things with our close eyes. But again we should always remain reminded of the fact that this world is not a dream, world where our mind work in a state of mental sub-consciousness and we enjoy everything by physically sleeping and subconsciously exploring the world of dream in which generally we fulfill and satisfy our unfulfilled desires. On the contrary in this world of imagination, though we enjoy it with close eyes only, our minds work actively and work as if it is a camera which can create real pictures on our mental screens and create the complete world of our choices as if it is real. Besides strong and creative mind the most important thing needed to enjoy and explore this fanciful world is the art of imagination. We compulsorily need a sound mastery over this art of imagination. Minus this art of imagination there is no way at all to have the real enjoyment. Moreover one is sure to be in a graver problem without having the required mastery over this art of imagination. And the fact that it is not easy to acquire the required mastery over this art complicates the whole issue. But, though it is difficult and time taking to achieve the desired mastery over this art, this is not at all impossible at the same time. If we train ourselves, or to say, our minds with patience and positive attitude, we can always achieve the desired and required mastery over this art. And once we acquire the considerable command over this art, everything will change drastically and dramatically. There will be no more silent mental suffering, no more loneliness, and no more of any such mental torture, we can easily transport our own selves in the world of our own choices and dreams; we can easily take ourselves to the world of eternal bliss and heavenly enjoyment with our above mentioned mastery over this art of imagination. Rest of the unwanted world and surrounding around us would no more exist. Everything out of imaginary but desired and loved world of imagination would cease. We can be all alone in the world and with the objects and persons of our own liking and tastes in this world of imagination. Nothing can distract us from the enjoyment we want to have in this world of imagination. We can enjoy anything we like and we can be happy and blissful anywhere and everywhere and in any state of our mind. Then being alone or being away from someone near and dear won’t matter at all because we can always fly over the wings of our imagination and be anywhere or with anybody we like, love and long for. One might call it craziness or even foolishness and I won’t mind at all because I know that they don’t know how to enjoy this fanciful world; because they have never tasted the nectar of imagination; because they must be the people either too dry sentimentally who don’t care for such delicate things or live only in a materialistic world where every happiness depends on money.
Whatever may be the case, certainly it is a panacea for those who live, or to say, are forced to live in a lonely world. It’s a life saving world, process and substance for those who are under compulsion to live in depression or some kind of other… caused by certain unavoidable circumstances; for those who have suffered a severe sentimental crisis; for those who are compelled to live in a way which is completely different from how they actually want and with people who don’t match their taste and likings.
Life is not always happy. It’s not always sweet and charming. It’s strange and peculiar in its own way. It is guided by so many factors. But the tragedy is that the factors, which guide our lives, are more concerned about the welfare of the external world and least about the welfare and happiness of an individual upon which they very existence of any society depends. These guiding factors, in a way, create more hindrances rather than any help for the happiness of human beings. Moreover it brings so-called order in the society at the cost of individuals, their dreams, and their happiness. Every moment we have to do certain unwanted compromises or other to adjust ourselves in this demanding situation at the cost of all the personal choices and likings, which ultimately leads to so many problems in our lives in the times ahead. And here comes the vital and important need of imagination. Though it is just imagination, and at times it can even be baseless and illusory, it provides enough substances and helps us in order to cop up with life, circumstance and situations which are otherwise very difficult to cop up with.

Once again I enjoyed the gift of imagination, once again I travelled on the wings of imagination, and reached wherever I wanted to reach, met whoever I wanted to meet, and did whatever I wanted to do. And this I did not do just for a moment or few moments but I did all theses as long as I wanted and to be very particular I have been doing all these for the last three-four days and nights and really, believe me, really it was all throughout enjoyment and excitement and pleasure only. From my point of view, this is not only a very good time-pass but also a very good companion of loneliness, a very good and effective medicine for the tension caused by loneliness. Blessed are those who have this divine gift of imagination power and I feel myself to be fortunate enough at least in this regard as I can really re-live any moment or day or my past life- whether happy or sad or adventurous or exciting- or I can really create the imaginative pictures of future staying wherever I like, with whoever I love and like and do whatever I want to do, and do how long I want to do. Those without this divine gift of power of imagination are left with no option other than to cry over their sad past, or for the happy moments people often want to continue forever or to worry about their future. What if all these are not real, not physical; what if all these are imagination only; what if all these are mere fantasy, still it is fantastic, adventurous and very, very enjoyable and moreover is a situation when people are in no position to make it all happen in reality by any means. In the present scenario, when I am totally cut off from everything I want, and when I am away from everybody I love, this power of imagination is a real boon; this is the only ray of light in the entire horizon of darkness. Whenever I feel lonely, sad and depressed I just cut off myself from the immediate surrounding, close my eyes; concentrate myself, fly over the wings of imagination and Lo! There is an entirely new world and in this world of fantasy there is everybody I want to meet, love and live with; there is every place of my dream I want to visit; there is every scene I want to enjoy; there is the very ideal atmosphere to do everything I want to do. Who cares whether it is real or not as long as it brings some pleasure, some fun, some happiness some excitement; as long as it console the aching heart; as long as it creates the fascinating pictures in our mind; as long as it provides enjoyment; as long as it lets us enjoy our dream world; as long as it lets us embrace everyone we long for; as long as it lets us do everything we desire to. Of course we cannot deny the importance and excitement of physical aspects of all these but it is not always possible to have all these things physically. It’s not always possible to reach everywhere we want; its not always possible to meet everybody we love and long for; it’s not always possible to do everything we desire and when we realize this inability and impossibility then only the importance of imaginary actions and imaginary visualization become very important, almost incalculable, incomparable, indispensable, and irreplaceable. It’s like an oasis in the desert of desire when people suffer from depression, loneliness, and other such sentimental crisis. So if you can, if you are able to imagine, if you are capable of visualizing pictures in your mind then My Dear, try it and enjoy  and live wherever you like and whoever you like and want to be with, do whatever you desire in your world of imagination and then you will the difference it make in your life and days ahead; and then you will realize the changes it make s in your attitude to look at things and analyse the situations; then you will see how much it can reduce the pain and sufferings; then you will know how much energy and enthusiasm it brings in your life; then you will find how much positivity it brings to your approach. You will find a drastic change in everything around; in all the aspects of your life, and the whole scenario, the whole perception, the whole outlook will change.

To be continued………………………….

Rajiv Ranjan


  1. This is the kind of motivation I wanted. The post makes me love what I'm been doing. I do believe in the art of imagination and I don't know if what I'm doing can be called flying with the wings of imagination but I do enjoy creating a third world at the back of my mind through imagination. It was a profound and very motivational account on the power of imagination. I loved it! And it really makes me want to keep imagining. Thank you for the wonderful post. Looking forward to the continuation.


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